Monday, April 1, 2013

So little time so much to do.... The Multi-tasking Me...

Yeah,,, this is what happens to me... Lots of ideas coming through my brain and I can't stop it...
Sometimes need to pause a bit by taking a break... and sometime i need to spare sometime to remember all the ideas that coming... 
And now... I just can't remember things again,,, and everything just like a mainstream and it's to much for me...

But no worries! If you experiencing the same thing to, just write down everything that coming to your head! And then after everything are on the list, try to choose and prioritize... which one is the most important and not! Which one have a great impact if you delayed compared to the others...

After you find out everything... just do based on the list like a flow... 

Fighting girls! Another tips for you, the multi-tasking person, you have to get a planner.
Make a daily planner and weekly planner... also monthly planner goal if necessary...
 And if you're lost and somehow dizzy and fed up with your work... just take a break and deep breath.. let your body and mind relax for about 10 minutes and after that you can get back again :)

See you later girls...
As I promised... I will fill this blog soon... but.. according to my list... this can wait :)

Good Luck...!

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